“Red Team Review” is an innovative program that provides professional guidance and a final review of a company’s SBIR/STTR proposal prior to submitting it to the participating federal agency.

The “red team” of SBDC specialists, led by Stephanie Amend, managing partner of Arrowhead Solutions, a govIRG company, first provides guidance on proposal preparation, offers tools and templates, and finally, takes the perspective of the agency and apply evaluation criteria that is articulated in the agency’s Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) through a red team review. This allows the proposal to be seen with fresh eyes—from a new perspective. After reviewing the team’s comments, the applicant has one last chance to edit his or her proposal prior to the agency’s final deadline.

In order to apply for this program, your company must:

  • Be headquartered in the State of Colorado
  • Be in good standing with the Colorado Secretary of State
  • Have less than 500 employees
  • Meet the SBA’s SBIR/STTR Program Eligibility Requirements
  • Not be a previous participant of the TechSource Red Team Review program
  • Not hire an outside company to write its SBIR/STTR proposal
  • Disclose if it has a current client relationship with Arrowhead Solutions, Pantheon Solutions or govIRG (If it has a past client relationship, contact us to confirm eligibility.)


Applications are now closed. To receive a notification when the next round opens, enter your information below.

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