Business Name
If yes, enter approximately start date:
Created new FULL-TIME jobs:
Created new PART-TIME jobs:
Retained FULL-TIME jobs:
Retained PART-TIME jobs:
How many FULL-TIME employees do you have currently have? Include yourself in this number, if applicable.
How many PART-TIME employees do you have currently have? Include yourself in this number, if applicable.
Obtained a loan(s). Include amount(s). and source(s).
Infused equity into your business. Include amount and source(s).
Infused any other type of capital into your business. Include amount and source(s).
Received new contract(s). Include amount(s) and source(s).
Increased sales. Include amount and/or percentage of increase.
What were your 2022 sales? Estimation is fine.
What are your YTD 2023 sales? Estimation is fine.
If you SUBMITTED any SBIR/STTR Phase I/Phase II proposals, please list them below. Include Phase, SBIR/STTR, agency and amount.
If you were AWARDED any SBIR/STTR Phase I/Phase II proposals, please list them below. Include Phase, SBIR/STTR, agency and amount.
If you SUBMITTED any other non-SBIR/STTR proposals, please list them below. Include proposal/grant name, funder and amount.
If you were AWARDED any other non-SBIR/STTR proposals, please list them below. Include proposal/grant name, funder and amount.
By typing your name below, you attest that this economic impact was created through the assistance of the SBDC.